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2500-1900 BC

  • Early urban culture born in the Indus River region.

For example, it is estimated that about a million people have lived in Harappa. They tell about high culture  planned town plans and sewerage network.

  • Languages: Dravidian,

with which texts written in seals, for example, have still not been fully interpreted.

  • Theocratic structure of society,  led by the clergy:

Tasks to develop writing and astronomy that were able to compile  a reckoning based on the combination of the solar and lunar calendars,  which was needed in agricultural culture, to perform religious rituals at the right time of the year.


  • Cult places:                  

No temples.
Public spas are important for ritual washing. This feature is believed to have passed to later Hinduism.

Mental and physical cleansing also play an important role in homes.

Sacred trees, (fig trees.Ficus religiosa) within which there were supposed to be deities.


domination 1400-500 BC.

Development stages
1. The religion of Rigveda verse knowledge
2. The religion of Brahmana texts, or Brahmanism

1800-600 BC


Central Asia (nomadic people invading the territory of present-day Afghanistan,
the Aryans, effectively destroyed the cities of Indus culture, for they moved on horseback and in chariots.

Spreading initially into the Indus River area, but continued from there towards the Ganges River.

  • Language: Sanskrit

  • Clergy  i.e. brahmanas

maintained the tradition of sacred hymns, which later formed the basis of Vedic literature and Hinduism with its many gods.

Also responsible for victim deliveries (eg fire victims)

  • Tribal communities


Tribal chiefs evolved into kings

The livelihoods were later animal husbandry and, in some cases, agriculture.

Society was divided into classes, or crows, which later developed into castes.

Of the Dravidians, the servants and slaves of the Aryans.

700 AD
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