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"When man realizes that all beings are one omnipotent spirit, then he comprehends the unity of all beings, and hallucinations and sorrow disappear."   

                                                (Isavasja upanisad)

According to Hinduism, one's goal is to get out of the wheel of samsara / the cycle of rebirth, to merge the atman / soul into the brahman / world soul. Contrary to Western thinking, the Hindu does not want something new for himself  rebirth as a new opportunity to live.


According to Hindu philosophy, (which is evident from the Vedic books), Brahman is the spirit, the absolute truth from which everything originated. It has not been created, but has always existed. It is everywhere, regardless of time and place.


Atman means  a soul who is also part of brahman, therefore part of spiritual reality. Atman must live a worldly life in a new body that is under the power of delusion, or maya.  


The cycle of existence, the rebirth of all living beings again and again in a new embodiment  continues as long as man awakens to realize that he is living in delusion and ignorance of the true nature of existence.


In the cycle of lives, man carries with him  karma from their previous life, which means good  and evil  deeds  and their consequences,  . Man's next rebirth  the conditions are determined by the law of karma. If you have lived well, you have accumulated good karma for yourself. Karma determines  for example, in the next life of the caste. A person born in a bad caste explains to himself this precisely as a result of the law of karma. So this is the explanation of Hinduism for the problem of suffering.


The end point of Hindu life when the samsara wheel stops. Man has realized that he is a part of the universe, brahman. The Atman merges with the Brahman.


DHARMA ( SANATANA  DHARMA = Eternal Life Guide )

Dharma means doctrine, duty, virtue, direction, or world order. Many Indians think it also means religion. Above all, it  is a moral principle that everyone should live by. According to the Dharma, one who lives should ideal truth, nonviolence, sacrifice, and self-denial.  

According to Hinduism, there are three goals in human life that should be in balance to achieve a happy life: Fulfilling duties, gaining wealth, and sensory pleasures.


























Photo: Pixabay



The Way of Knowledge : This path requires familiarity with Vedic literature through gurus and often isolation from the everyday world.

  One should get away from delusion (mayan)  power and realizes that his soul  is part of the world soul brahman. Realizing this, he attains the cycle of liberation, mocha, and life ceases as the atman merges with his own origin, the brahman.

Road to deeds:  Selfless fulfillment of one's duties. Ordinary people can also practice this way of salvation in their daily lives.

The Way of Devotion: Salvation is achieved by God  by worshiping and sacrificing. Worshipers consecrate all their deeds to God  and he does not accumulate karma for himself. God gives His worshiper the gift of salvation.

Photo: Pixabay

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