The Old Testament New Testament The birth of the New Testament The birth of the New Testament The Gospels Pharisees Sadducees The Essenes Zelotes UT persons The Apostle Paul Paul's mission trips with maps
The missionary journeys of the Apostle Paul with their maps

First broadcast 45-47

The journey begins in Antioch, where Paul had been for 14 years. This congregation consisted largely of non-Jewish Christians (here Christian word for the first time). Barnabas was the leader of the church that supported Paul. The congregation sent them to the island of Cyprus and from there to Pergea in Asia Minor, Antioch in Pisidia, Lystra, Derbe, and Iconium. Travelers always began their proclamation first with diaspora Jews, but experienced little success. If success came, others were incited to rise up, Sometimes they are considered the gods of Zeus and Hermes, sometimes they are stoned to death. When they returned, they told the church that God had done great deeds through them and that God was opened the door of faith to non-Jews.
Second Mission 49-51
Cappadocian landscapes

According to Paul, Silas leaves for this journey, and Timothy joins Lystra.
In Troas, Paul saw a vision of a Macedonian man calling him to Macedonia, that is, to the other side of the sea. Luke may also be involved here. Travelers follow the sight and travel by boat to northern Greece (nowadays) to Naples and from there to the Philippines . Here they get the first European convert, the purple merchant Lydia. Releasing the slave girl from the spirit of divination brings difficulties to the travelers as the master loses income. A dispute arises and the authorities whip Paul and camp the company in prison. An earthquake frees them and the prison guard converts to Christianity.
In the port city of Thessaloniki, they are allowed to live in Jason’s house and the Thessalonians are interested in Paul’s speeches. However, the Jews will raise a riot against them and they will have to flee to Beroia in the middle of the night. Paul found the Bererians the most open-minded than the Thessalonians, but the success was small, for the Jews came after them from Thessalonica, and stirred up the people against them. Paul continued his journey alone
To Athens.
Paul was horrified by all the images of idols in the city. Then he saw an altar with the inscription "to an unknown God." He gave his speech on this subject .Areiopag in front of the council, where a few Epicurean and Stoic philosophers had taken him after arguing with him. The speech aroused interest in some, such as Dionysos, a member of the Areiopag Court. Athens did not offer any greater success to Paul.
From Athens, Paul’s journey continued to Corinth, from where he took with him a married couple, Aquila and Priscilla. Here he spent a year and a half and supported himself as a tentmaker. From here he also wrote his letter to the Thessalonians, perhaps 51-52 AD. Here, too, the Jews took him to an authority, the commander Gallio, who did not care about the accusations of the Jews.
The journey continued to Ephesus, where Paul does not linger long, for he hurries to Caesarea, Jerusalem, and to the place of departure for the church of Antioch
Third mission 52-56

Paul wanted to leave Antioch, his home church, to inspect the condition of the churches he had founded. He traveled across Asia Minor toward Ephesus, where Aquil and Priscilla, whom he had met on his previous trip, had continued their missionary work.
In Paul's day, Ephesus was a major bustling port city. There was the great temple of the goddess Artemis, one of the seven wonders of the world. There is still a theater that draws 24,000 people. There was a 600 meter long magnificent road that led from the harbor to the theater. The more converts Paul received into Christianity, the less people bought statues of the god Artemis. This was what their creators, the silversmiths, worried about and raised a riot at the theater Against Paul. But Rome is a state governed by the rule of law and officials are allowed to quell the riot, citing legal sanctions.
In Ephesus, he also meets Apollos, who preaches the gospel but has heard nothing but the baptism of John. The Christians of Ephesus correct his views.
When Paul is not allowed to persuade the Jews in the synagogue, he leaves the synagogue and goes to teach the hook of Tyrannus, where the work continues for two years
The journey continued to Macedonia, where Paul encourages his brethren. On the way back, he no longer wants to poke at Ephesus but asks the elders of that parish to Miletus. Here he gives them a farewell speech, in which he predicts his own destiny. He recalls that he has always acquired his own bread with his own work and also given it to the needy.
Passengers leave by boat, escorting via Patara, where there is a change of ship towards Tire. Here Paul receives the first warning that he should not travel to Jerusalem, but he replies, "I am ready for chains and death in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
In Jerusalem
In Jerusalem, Paul rushes to meet Jacob had heard of the dangerous rumors spreading in the city that Paul, while moving among the Gentiles, had also urged the Jews to reject the law of Moses. . Indeed, Paul agreed to this and informed the priests of the temple, who set aside time for delivery for Paul. When Paul was going to the temple at the appointed time, a few Jews saw him and came to him and got others incited against Paul. Paul's life is saved by Claudius Lysias, commander of the Roman army department in the nearby Antonia castle. He imprisons Paul, but lets him speak to the crowd first. It becomes clear to the commander that Paul is a Roman citizen and therefore, despite the demands of the crowd, cannot To whip Paul. The commander took Paul to the barracks to safety from the rage of the crowd.
The commander gets to hear about the Jewish conspiracy against Paul and he takes Paul sheltered by armed soldiers to Caesarea, about 100 kilometers away, where the Roman governor Antonius Felix lives. From Caesarea's time there is a long imprisonment for Paul. The governor changes and no one really knows what to do about Paul. Paul is appealing to the Roman emperor in his case, for as a Roman citizen he has the right to do so. Governor Festus states, "You have appealed to the emperor, so you go before the emperor."
A prisoner towards Rome

The prisoners were placed under the supervision of the centurion Julius. The ship is changed several times in different ports, finally in the port of Myrra they board a ship with cargo of grain in Italy. The storms of September begin when the travelers are around Crete. The ship sails in the Mediterranean for fourteen days. Everyone fears the ship will end up on dangerous sandbars and therefore the ship’s cargo needs to be lightened. Grain is thrown into the sea and the ship drifts on sandbars, a shallow cove, Passengers find themselves in Malta.
Maltese residents treat shipwrecks well. Paul lights a campfire, but a sprig emerges from among the twigs. It bites Paul by the hand, but nothing happens to Paul. Another miracle happens: Paul heals the father of Publius, the top official on the island. All in all, the shipwrecked will have to spend three months on the island before they can continue his journey
towards Rome ..
The ship takes them to Syracuse, from there to the Regium at the "tip of the boot" in Italy, and from there on board to Puteoli. From here, travelers walk along Via Appia to Rome. Even before Rome, Paul was met by Christians living in Rome. So there was already a Christian church in Rome before Paul arrived.
In Rome, Paul is allowed to live in his own rented apartment under the supervision of a prison guard. Imprisonment has been apparently loose, for Paul was free to receive strangers and “He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught who the Lord Jesus Christ is, openly and to anyone without prejudice. "