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Features of Aryan culture (1800-800 BC) included an early advanced division of labor. As conquerors of the land, they reserved for themselves the most important roles in the religious and secular  actions. Brahmins, ksatriyas,  silent, the Sudras were Aryans  . Below the entire hierarchy were the Dalits (untouched).

Each caste, or Varna, is divided into thousands of verses, or sub-caste, each with precise specifications of what they are allowed to do for work or how appropriate to dress, from whom food can be taken, with whom to marry, .Contact with the lower caste may require ritual washing.

Racial segregation takes place

At the same time, the population was also racially divided, as the Aryans from the north were lighter in color than the Indigenous people of the south (Varna means color). The blondes were of the ruling class, belonged to the caste system, but the Dravidians were excluded from the castes. Today, there are about 250 million of these descendants of the Dravidians. They live in miserable conditions and are not even eligible to be servants. They do all the "dirty work."

The caste system was officially abolished in India in 1950. Today, however, it still has an impact, especially in rural areas, but in cities less because   for example, new technology has brought in new professions and jobs that cannot be defined by castes. New jatas (sub-castes) are also emerging.  Unemployment can make the upper caste work for the lower caste. Even then, there is a danger that his own caste will reject him.  The Indian government has reserved some of the Dalit children  quota places in schools.

Mahatma Gandhi called the casteless  as "brushers," children of God

Religious reasoning for baptisms.


Rigveda  Manun  laws: "In order to increase humanity, he (Brahma) created the human race; from his mouth, arm, thigh, and foot he created brahmana, ksatriya, vajaya, and sudra."

Hindus comprise living in their own caste as part of his karma. When he faithfully follows the dharma, he fulfills her  duties under his caste, he can reach a higher caste in his next life. All thinking is marked by religious rules of purity: pure-filthy.  Indeed, it has sometimes been argued that when the caste system ceases, Hinduism also ceases. The two are so closely connected.

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