Circumcision Berit Mila
Circumcision is performed on the boy when he is eight days old. Circumcision is performed at home or in a synagogue. It is performed by a specially trained Jewish man, Mohel. The female godfather brings the child to the scene, but then leaves the room and only the male godfather remains in place to hold the child during delivery.
When the delivery is done, the child gets a name and the family prays for him to learn to love God, examine and comply Torah.
The child is associated with an eternal covenant with God. According to the Old Testament, God gave it to Abraham as a "sign of the covenant."
Religiously coming of age Bar mitsva / bat mitsva

The boy celebrates a great celebration when he turns thirteen. According to Jewish tradition, it is the duty of the father teaches his son the Torah and prayers.
Son one must learn Hebrew and the Shema prayer, as well as the Ten Commandments , so that on his feast day he may read the passage previously agreed upon in the Torah in Hebrew. This he reads from the pulpit of the synagogue to t efillin, and clothed . Now the boy is bar mitzvah that is, the son of the law.
Now the boy has to fulfill all his religious obligations independently. He may be called to read the Torah and may be an important person in small congregations because 10 men are needed before worship and prayers can be performed.
The girls ’adulthood celebration is celebrated when she is 12 years old. He is called bat mitsvaksi.
According to Jewish tradition, only a Jewish man and a Jewish woman can be ordained in the synagogue for marriage. The wedding delivery begins with the signing of the marriage document (ketuba). The entire wedding ceremony will take place under a wedding canopy that features the couple’s future shared home.



The wedding couple drinks wine from a common glass of wine, symbolizing common destiny. At the end of the delivery, the groom treads the wine glass with his foot. This has two symbolic meanings: the memory of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (70 AD) and that the groom would never again have to break anything in his life after that.
At the wedding party, people dance and sing. Klezmer music is the wedding music of Eastern European Jews.
Above all, marriage wants to protect the position of future children and growth environment. According to the blessing of marriage, its purpose is to bring "joy, joy, merriment and ecstasy, pleasure and enjoyment, love, peace and friendship."
According to the Torah, a funeral should be held one day after death. Today, because of the long distances to this is bound to add a few more days. The parishes have their own for funeral arrangements funeral cleaning.
The deceased is washed and the males are dressed in white clothes and to their own prayer cloak (stables). The coffin is made of extremely simple raw board. Mold brought from the Holy Land is placed under the head. The rich and the poor are equal in death, therefore the coffin is the same for everyone.
The funeral ceremony will be held in the chapel, but not on the Sabbath. On the occasion, the rabbi will speak, sing psalms, and recite the Kaddish prayer. The coffin is then immediately carried to the grave. Relatives sprinkle mold on the coffin.
The period of grief is governed by precise rules designed to help grieving relatives return to normal life. It is the duty of a loved one to read the Kaddish prayer three times a day for eleven months, for example.
Kaddish prayer is read to the deceased at the jom kippur celebration. The Jews do not take flowers to the graves but they lay stones on top of the tombstone. Here, too, the emphasis is on equality for all.