Finlyson Church in Tampere is founded by James Finlayson of Scotland. Finlayson wanted to a church resembling the church of their homeland to its workers. There is still a Reformed church in Scotland, characterized by white walls, no pictures, a pulpit on the altar site.
The meaning of the name
Special features
Number of supporters
Purified from Catholic materials
Also called: Presbyterians and Calvinists
In the 16th century, when the Swiss Zwingli and the French Calvin became acquainted with Luther's ideas
No common center
Simple, sermon key
In the church, a wooden table on the altar site, no pictures, no church bells
Baptism and the Lord's Supper (commemoration of Jesus)
supper 4 times a year,
Independent churches around the world, not a common leader
The ideal of theocracy = a God-ruled state with the Bible as a law book
The doctrine of predestination = the doctrine of predestination
God has predestined others to perdition others to salvation
The saved can be identified already in this life by good morals and success
A central role for the laity
75 million