Mysteries are understood as things that the human mind cannot comprehend. Orthodox believe that God works in them in a secret way that helps the believer on his rival’s path to deification. this means in Orthodoxy the universe, of which man is a part, consecration by the grace of God to the service of the good.

When a child is born into an Orthodox family, the parents think of a name for it. Often the name is chosen according to the saint whose day is celebrated closest to the child’s birthday and thus the child gets his or her own title holiday.
The baptismal service is held within the liturgy of the Church. Here we want to stick to the tradition of the early church. The child is associated as a member of the congregation in the name of the Triune God. After baptism, another mystery is performed, the myrrh anointing, in which the newly baptized become partakers of the Holy Spirit. Immediately after these ordinances, the child is worthy to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist


Every Orthodox should fast in the morning before he comes to supper.
The communion doctrine of the Orthodox Church is reminiscent of the communion doctrine of the Catholic Church, according to which the communion material is transformed into the body and blood of Christ. In the Orthodox Church, a priest mixes bread with wine and gives these with a spoon in his mouth. This is happening in the church in front of the iconostasis. The Orthodox then moves to a small side table where there is a so-called loaf.
The Orthodox Church does not accept Lutherans for communion.

Photo: Bairyna Pixabay
The two crowns in the picture, held over the heads of the wedding couple during the ceremony, depict the bride and groom as king and queen, the heads of their own families. The crown is also a symbol of martyrdom. Christian martyrs remained faithful in the promises they made, just as a man and a woman should keep their promises in their marriage.
However, if it happens that the couple divorces, the church will accept it and may remarry.

The ordination to the priesthood takes place within the church in connection with the liturgy and is performed by the bishop. He who intends to become a parish priest is often married, for after receiving the priesthood he can no longer marry. The high priesthood (bishops) must not be married. For this reason, those who ordain bishops almost always come from within the convent.
At the ordination, the bishop places his hand on the consecrating head. Thus it is considered that the apostolic succession moves forward and the priest receives from the bishop the authority to perform priestly duties such as the administration of the sacraments. Women are not ordained priests.
Deacons of the lowest clergy also receive initiation for their mission.
The sacrament of repentance means the ordinance where the believer confesses his sins to the priest. The event will be held at the church. All members of the Orthodox Church can attend this sacrament. The first time is usually immediately after the Christian school (equivalent in content to a Lutheran penitentiary). In some Orthodox countries it is customary to partake of this sacrament before each communion, but it is common for this to happen less frequently. Then Easter time will be deemed appropriate for this delivery.
The delivery is understood to involve the streets, the priest and Christ. The streets confess their sins to the priest and the priest must not criticize or point out the sins of the street. Christ forgives all sins confessed by repentance. The priest places a kneeling on the head of the street epithrail, that is, the liturgical garment of a priest or bishop, and reads the prayer of remission of sins, which ends with the words, "Therefore, without worrying about the more recognized transgressions, go to peace."

If a person feels seriously ill, he can call a priest to him and ask him for this sacrament. Illness is possible several times in a lifetime.
The priest prays to the sick for health, which means both physical and spiritual health. At the same time, the priest can also perform the sacrament of repentance and give the Lord's Supper.